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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Second Semester Review

First, let me introduce myself! My name is Katie Hingst, and I'll be the Corresponding Secretary for 2012-2013. Which means I'll be updating the NSSLHA blog. :) I am a junior (for 2 more weeks), my major is Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (of course!), and I love walking, reading, running, and just being with people.

If you were not very involved in NSSLHA this year, let me wholeheartedly encourage your participation for next year! College is far too exciting to miss out on the great opportunities (Crossroads, socials, Relay for Life, etc.) that NSSLHA provides. Sharing in the joys and trials of academic life with fellow students of speech, language, and hearing sciences is a beautiful thing.

Our semester in review:
1. Bowling Social
NSSLHA goes bowling! 

2. ARC Valentine's Day Dance
This was my first year going, and it was a BLAST! Honestly, you don't want to miss this next year!
ARC Dance

3. Student-Faculty Snack. Sadly, no pictures for this event. Chatting with professors & eating cookies with green icing-- not a bad way to spend the afternoon.

4. Relay for Life
SO much fun! We walked for hours, ate pizza, painted faces, sold keychains, took a ride on the Boilermaker Special, raised money to fight cancer, carried the spirit surfboard (makes me think of Bring It On !)and got to partake in a HUGE campus-wide event. Our seniors were amazing and so very tough- staying the entire night & earning the spirit award! You all did a wonderful job, and make me so proud to be a part of NSSLHA!
NSSLHA Relay for Life team 2012
Seniors with the Spirit Award

5. The Senior Graduate Panel-- An eye-opening experience to the stressful and overwhelming process of applying to graduate programs. BUT, it was also very encouraging- they are all going on to great graduate programs, which gives me hope that the same will be true for the class of 2013! 
Senior Graduate Panel 

My hope for us all is to gain knowledge and experience in the field of Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology this summer. Enjoy summer, friends, & see you next fall!