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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome, or welcome back, to NSSLHA!

Hello all!  I hope you all had a wonderful summer and a smooth start to the school year.  The beginning of any school year can bring a mix of emotions.  From excitement about making friends and starting new classes, to anxiety about new subjects to master and all the work that needs to be done by December.  As students, we are so busy with school we don’t have an adequate amount of time to worry about the GREs and Grad school applications, or what we will even do after Graduate school!  That is what NSSLHA is here for.  It’s a wonderful network of resources for all of the questions you may have about anything SLHS related, and I hope to do my absolute best to answer your specific questions!  So here is a quick poll, please pick what you would like to know more about from me (you can pick more than one)

And about handling anxiety: some of the best advice about going back to school I have ever received was to be sure to start working on the first day.  Getting on schedule with readings and homework assignments insure that you won’t feel discouraged and behind later in the semester J

And don’t forget…FALL 2013 CALLOUTS are next week on Tuesday 8/27 at 6:30 pm in MSEE B012.  We will have fun activities and you’ll get to learn about all the awesome opportunities planned for the semester.  Have a fabulous rest of the week!