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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Spring news

1. Thank you for participating/dancing/smiling/talking/serving at the ARC dance in February! Such a good evening, and thank you to Becca H. for planning the whole event!

2. Events to look forward to:
-Spring Egg Hunt, Saturday March 23 at 10:30 am (be there at 10 am)
-Relay for Life April 6-7
- Skip a Meal at Hotbox (fundraiser for Relay for Life) March 22
-Officer Elections for 2013-2014 year at next meeting (3/19 6:30 pm Grissom 170)

*As always, email me at if you have any questions about these events!

3. Check out this SLP page on tumblr:

4. Inspiration:

5. Good luck to the seniors hearing back from grad schools! 

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